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The Next Generation of Black Leadership
For over 20 years, the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation’s Black Youth Vote! Empowerment Program, has successfully engaged and trained a new generation of civic leaders and political activists. Through BYV!, students, community advocates and young professionals have gained essential tools that enable them to lead their communities to participate fully in the democratic process, focused on attaining greater social and economic justice in the Black Community. As a result, BYV! can boast about their triumphs in reversing the downward spiral among young voters and educating voters who are increasingly disenfranchised and alienated from the electoral and legislative process.
BYV! primary goals are to:
● EDUCATE the youth and young adult segment of the African Diaspora on the connection between voting and public policy, how this affects their lives today and their future opportunities.
● MOUNT an aggressive national online organizing and media campaign that communicates the value of civic process, including voter registration, education, turnout, and accountability
● DEFINE the impact of the black youth electorate in ALL elections to include: local, state, and national levels
● CONTINUE to implement long range voter education and mobilization initiatives with existing youth organizations.
● ESTABLISH BYV! networks to keep those groups motivated mobilized and informed on the policy initiatives that affect their lives as well as establishing a sustainable infrastructure that will reengage and reconnect BYV!’s alumni into our work with black youth and young adults .
For more information about Black Youth Vote please contact us via email blackyouthvote@ncbcp.org.